Valoe Corporation's Half-Year Financial Report January - June 2024

Source: GlobeNewswire
Valoe Corporation's Half-Year Financial Report January - June 2024


Valoe Corporation        Half-Year Report         30 September 2024 at 19.10 Finnish time



In January - September 2024, the net sales of Valoe Group, under the IFRS standards, were EUR about 0.2 million (in 2023 EUR 0.9 million). The EBITDA was about EUR -1.0 million (EUR -1.5 million), the EBIT was ca. EUR -1.7 million (EUR -2.4 million), and the profit for the period was ca. EUR -2.0 million (EUR -3.2 million). At the end of the reporting period, Valoe Group’s equity ratio including capital loans was -47.6 per cent.
(-20.0 %).

The District Court of Pohjois-Savo decided on the commencement of the restructuring proceedings of Valoe Corporation on 22 January 2024.

Mr Pekka Jaatinen, Attorney, (”Administrator”) submitted his preliminary report in accordance with the Restructuring of Enterprises Act on 22 February 2024. At the end of the reporting period, on 24 June 2024, the Administrator filed a proposal for the restructuring programme for the company with the North Savo District Court. The objective of the restructuring programme is to restore the Company’s business, maintain its competitiveness in its industry and restructure the Company's debts only to the extent necessary to achieve the Company's restructuring objective. Valoe disclosed the main content of the restructuring programme proposal on 24 June 2024. As per the date of this Report, the restructuring programme proposal has not yet been confirmed.

On 27 May 2024, Valoe disclosed that the company’s Board of Directors had discovered that the company had negative equity and had filed a notice of the loss of share capital with the Finnish Trade Register.

Valoe does not have an auditor and thus the company's financial statements for 2023 have not been audited. Therefore, the agenda items related to the financial statements, the use of the loss for 2023, the dividend payment, and the discharge were not discussed at the Annual General Meeting. It was resolved to adjourn the Annual General Meeting and postpone the discussion of the items above-mentioned, as well as the decision on the remuneration and election of the auditor, to a follow-up meeting. The Board of Directors will convene a follow-up meeting at a date to be announced later.

In a challenging financial situation, the company has continued temporary layoffs throughout the reporting period.

Trading in the company’s shares has been suspended since 5 December 2023, which continues as per the date of this Review.


In Valoe’s restructuring proceedings, the deadline for submitting statements concerning the draft restructuring programme expired on 22 July 2024. However, the District Court of North Savo granted an extension to the deadline for submitting statements until 15 August 2024 in accordance with a request of a creditor. After the aforementioned extension period, the administrator will prepare the report on the claims and statements received under the Restructuring of Enterprises Act and, if necessary, propose changes to the draft restructuring programme.

At the end of July 2024, the company extended the subscription period of the Convertible Bond 1/2023 disclosed on 14 July 2023 until 30 September 2024. On 30 September 2024, the company extended the subscription period again until 31 December 2024.

In July 2024, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company filed a petition for Valoe’s bankruptcy, which was withdrawn after Valoe paid its debt to Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company.

Mr. Jose Basso, Senior Vice President for Valoe’s solar cell business in Lithuania, has filed for the company's bankruptcy. The application relates to claims arising from an agreement between the Company and Mr. Basso, with the claim amount being approximately EUR 60,000. The claims are disputed and Valoe has opposed the application. The agreement between the parties has been terminated on 31 May 2024.


Following a delay in the financing negotiations at the end of 2023, we commenced cutting operational costs sharply to reduce working capital needs. However, in December 2023, we had to file an application for restructuring. Our limited resources are now focused on serving the most promising client relationships. These include major accounts in the automotive industry and projects in the electronics and space industry. In the second quarter, Valoe delivered VIPV (vehicle-integrated Photovoltaics) prototypes to two prominent tier-1 suppliers. Both prototypes successfully met the targets set for the development phase.

Valoe also delivered prototypes of solar energy applications for portable electronics and constellation satellites. The customers included a major military and space company, as well as a prominent consumer electronics brand.

Despite the difficult financial situation, we managed to continue our operations and development work, focusing only on our key accounts. Nowadays, also the development activities have almost come to a halt.

We are actively negotiating with several domestic and foreign investors for financing solutions to support a restructuring program that will ensure the future of the company. However, these financing negotiations have taken longer than expected, which has increased the risk of suspending the restructuring proceedings.


The delay in securing financing solutions casts a shadow over Valoe’s future prospects, forcing the company to almost halt its operations for the time being. There is currently no certainty about the continuation of operations.

However, solar energy solutions for the automotive industry, electronics, and satellites require technology that significantly differs from conventional solar panels. This technology suits very well the company’s capabilities. If a financing solution is secured, the company’s strategy is clear: we will continue working with our key customers to bring products to the mass market. We believe that the first mass production agreements could be reached approximately in six months after securing financing.

We are currently negotiating several different financing options, some of which are very close to a resolution. However, if a financing solution is not found very soon, the restructuring proceedings may be interrupted, and the company could face bankruptcy.


Valoe will not disclose any market guidance for the financial year 2024 due to the restructuring proceedings.


Valoe Group’s cumulative net sales for the first half of 2024 were about EUR 0.1 million. The net sales decreased by about 82 per cent compared to the previous year. 

The following financials include Valoe Group’s operations. The figures in brackets are comparison figures for the corresponding period in 2023 unless stated otherwise.  

April - June 2024:

- Valoe Group’s net sales was to EUR 0.07 million (In 2023: EUR 0.5 million).
- EBITDA was EUR -0.5 million (EUR -0.6 million).
- Operating profit was EUR -0.9 million (EUR -1.1 million).
- Profit for the period was EUR -0.9 million (EUR -1.4 million).

January – June 2024:

- Valoe Group’s net sales decreased to EUR 0.2 million (In 2023: EUR 0.9 million).
- EBITDA was EUR -1.0 million (EUR -1.5 million).
- Operating profit was EUR -1.7 million (EUR -2.4 million).
- The profit before taxes was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -3.2 million).
- Profit for the period was EUR -2.0 million (EUR -3.2 million).
- Undiluted earnings per share were EUR -0.65 (EUR -1.41).
- Diluted earnings per share were EUR -0.65 (EUR -1.41).


Cash flow from business operations before investments in January – June was EUR -0.6 million (EUR -2.0 million). Trade receivables at the end of the reporting period were EUR 0.1 million (EUR 0.4 million). Net financial items amounted to EUR 0.3 million (EUR 0.8 million). At the end of June, the equity ratio of Valoe Group was -82.6 per cent (-43.3 %) and equity per share was EUR -3.6 (EUR -2.9). The equity ratio including capital loans was -47.6 per cent (-20.0 %). At the end of the reporting period, the Group’s liquid assets totalled EUR 0.01 million.

In July 2023, we issued a convertible bond of up to EUR 0.6 million. The Convertible Bond 1/2023 is a capital loan. On 15 August 2023, we first increased the maximum amount of the Convertible Bond 1/2023 to EUR 1.0 million, and then, on 3 November 2023, to EUR 3.0 million. At the end of the reporting period, on 21 December 2023, the subscription price of the Convertible Bond 1/2023 was reduced to EUR 0.74 and the subscription period was extended until 31 July 2024. At the end for September 2024, the subscription period has again been extended until 31 December 2024. The loan period shall commence on the payment date and expire on 30 June 2025. An annual interest of eight (8) percent shall be paid to the capital of the Convertible Bond. The promissory note holder of the Convertible Bond 1/2023 has the right to convert the promissory note into the shares of the company pursuant to the terms of the Convertible Bond 1/2023. The subscription price of one (1) share of the company shall be EUR 0.74 per share. The conversion period began on 1 December 2023 and expires on 30 June 2025.


The Group’s research and development costs amounted to EUR 1.1 million (EUR 1.8 million) during the reporting period.

Gross investments during January – June period amounted to EUR 7 thousand (EUR 1.2 million).


At the end of June 2024, the Group employed 42 (52) people, out of which 12 employees worked in Lithuania and the rest in Finland. During the reporting period, the Group’s salaries and fees totalled EUR 0.6 million (EUR 1.1 million). 


At the end of the reporting period, Valoe’s share capital amounted to EUR 80,000.00 and the number of shares was 3,116,630. The company has one series of shares, which confer equal rights in the company. On 30 June 2024 Valoe had 29,590 treasury shares. 

The company had a total of 16,859 shareholders at the end of June 2024, and 3.8 per cent of the shares were owned by foreigners. The ten largest shareholders held 31.8 per cent of the company’s shares on 30 June 2024.

The largest shareholders on 28 June 2024

6JOCER OY AB88.1692,8
7OLLILA JORMA 82.0632,6

The members of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, either directly or through companies under their control, held a total of 267,134 shares in the company on 30 June 2024, representing about 8.6 per cent of the company’s shares. At the end of the period Iikka Savisalo, Valoe’s Managing Director, either directly or through companies under his control, held a total of 187,918 shares in the company.

Trading in the Valoe’s shares has been suspended since 5 December 2023.


The company has a share issue authorization in force granted by the Annual General Meeting 2024 according to which The Board of Directors is authorized to decide on a share issue with and/or without payment, either in one or in several occasions, including right to resolve on option rights and other rights entitling to shares pursuant to the Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act so that the number of new shares could increase by a total maximum amount of 4,500,000 shares. The authorization does not exclude the Board’s right to decide also on directed issue of shares or option rights and other special rights. The authorization may be used for important arrangements from the company’s point of view e.g. to strengthen the capital structure, to finance investments, for acquisitions and business transactions or other business arrangements, or to expand ownership structure, or for other purposes resolved by the Board involving a weighty financial reason for issuing shares or option rights or special rights entitling to shares pursuant to the Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act. The authorization is in force until 30 June 2025.


Valoe’s most significant risk is securing the necessary financing and its sufficiency. Restructuring proceedings were commenced at Valoe on 22 January 2024. The Administrator’s preliminary report concludes that the company’s business has potential that can be rehabilitated through the restructuring proceedings. However, the company’s restructuring proceedings will require finding a financing solution for the duration of the proceedings. In addition, the company should find a financing or ownership solution to secure its operating conditions for a longer period of time. The Board of Directors of Valoe Corporation has discovered that the company has negative equity and has filed a notice of the loss of share capital with the Finnish Trade Register on 27 May 2024. If the company fails to secure the necessary financing, the restructuring proceedings may have to be suspended, and the company may be declared bankrupt.

The Company's financial situation is critical and requires the rapid implementation of a sufficiently comprehensive financing solution. If a financing solution is not secured quickly enough, the restructuring process may be suspended, and the Company may be declared bankrupt.

The statements and projections in this Report and in Valoe’s strategy are targeted to the future and based on the management’s current estimates. Therefore, they involve risks and uncertainty by their nature and may be affected by changes in the general financial situation and in Valoe’s and its customers’ business environment.

In Mikkeli, 30 September 2024

Valoe Corporation
Board of Directors

Further information:
Iikka Savisalo, CEO
Tel. +358 40 521 6082,


Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
1 000 EUR 1-6/20241-6/20231-12/2023
Net sales 1679101 108
Cost of sales-242-870-1 384
Gross profit-7540-276
Other operating income294369
Product development expenses-1 054-1 778-3 190
Sales and marketing expenses-120-207-354
Administrative expenses-520-448-884
Other operating expenses0-30-144
Operating profit-1 741-2 380-4 779
Financial income001
Financial expenses-276-846-1 998
Profit before taxes-2 016-3 225-6 776
Income taxes000
Profit/loss for the period-2 016-3 225-6 776
Profit/loss attributable to:   
Shareholders of the parent company-2 016-3 225-6 776
Earnings/share (basic), eur-0,65-1,41-2,58
Earnings/share (diluted), eur-0,65-1,41-2,58
Total comprehensive income for the period-2 016-3 225-6 776
Total comprehensive income attributable to:   
Shareholders of the parent company-2 016-3 225-6 776
1 000 EUR 4-6/20244-6/20231-12/2023
Net sales 654981 108
Operating profit-507-628-3 218
EBIDTA -893-1 059-4 779
Profit/loss for the period-934-1 354-6 776



Consolidated statement of financial position 
1 000 EUR 30.6.202430.6.202331.12.2023
Non-current assets   
Property, plant and equipment10 84211 29311 222
Consolidated goodwill441441441
Other intangible assets8941 6281 283
Available-for-sale investment999
Non-current receivables336336336
Total non-current assets12 52313 70813 292
Current assets    
Inventories 363392330
Trade and other non-interest-bearing receivables5901 794953
Cash and cash equivalents12153
Total current assets9652 2001 286
Total assets 13 48815 90814 577
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company  
Share capital 808080
Other reserves 38 73637 69138 736
Retained earnings -49 857-44 423-47 890
Total equity -11 042-6 652-9 075
Non-current liabilities   
Non-current loans 5 4446 6066 248
Non-current subordinated loans7770446
Other non-current liabilities0505252
Total non-current liabilities6 2217 1116 946
Current liabilities    
Current interest-bearing liabilities7 6896 5896 790
Current subordinated loans3 9043 5833 904
Trande and other payables6 6125 1725 907
Current provisions 104104104
Total current liabilities18 30915 44916 706
Total liabilities 24 53022 56023 652
Equity and liabilities total13 48815 90814 577



Consolidated statement of cash flows  
1 000 EUR 1-6/20241-6/20231-12/2023
Cash flow from operating activities    
Income statement profit/loss before taxes -2 016-3 225-6 776
Non-monetary items adjusted on income statement    
 Depreciation and impairment +7768471 561
 Unrealized exchange rate gains (-) and losses (+) +/-001
 Other non-cash transactions +/-3088
 Financial income and expense +2758461 996
Total cash flow before change in working capital -962-1 533-3 129
Change in working capital    
 Increase (-) / decrease (+) in inventories -33-3131
 Increase (-) / decrease (+) in trade and other receivables21-379-83
 Increase (+) / decrease (-) in trade and other payables458172846
Change in working capital 445-238794
Adjustment of financial items and taxes to cash-based accounting  
 Interest paid -31225220
 Other financial items -81229
Financial items and taxes -39-237-249
 Investments in tangible and intangible assets -7152358
 Grants received +29700
 Financing arrangement with Winance and Riverfort +02 5642 554
 Proceeds from  non-current borrowings +3500500
 Proceeds from current borrowings +143351818
 Repayment of current borrowings -2189751 162



Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
1 000 EURShare capitalDistributable non-restricted equity fundRetained earningsTotal equity
31.12.20238038 736-47 890-9 075
Profit/loss for the period---2 016-2 016
Translation difference, comprehensive income--00
Transactions with owners:    
Own equity component of the convertible bond004949
30.6.20248038 736-49 857-11 042
1 000 EURShare capitalDistributable non-restricted equity fundRetained earningsTotal equity
31.12.20228034 694-41 051-6 277
Profit/loss for the period---3 225-3 225
Translation difference, comprehensive income--00
Transactions with owners:    
Sale of own shares - Winance04650465
Riverfort and other arrangements07750775
Own equity component of the convertible bond00-146-146
30.6.20238037 691-44 423-6 652



Key figures   
1 000 EUR1-6/20241-6/20231-12/2023
Net sales1679101 108
Operating profit-1 741-2 380-4 779
% of net sales-1045,1 %-261,5 %-431,3 %
EBITDA-965-1 533-3 218
% of net sales-579,2 %-168,5 %-290,4 %
Profit before taxes-2 016-3 225-6 776
% of net sales-1210,5 %-354,5 %-611,5 %
Balance Sheet value13 48815 90814 577
Equity ratio, % -82,6 %-43,3 %-62,3 %
Net gearing, %neg.neg.neg.
Gross investments71 1911 622
% of net sales4,3 %130,9 %146,4 %
Research and development costs 1 0541 7783 190
% of net sales633,0 %195,4 %287,9 %
Order book5819258
Personnel on average225248
Personnel at the end of the period425254
Non-interest-bearing liabilities6 6125 1725 907
Interest-bearing liabilities17 81417 28417 640
Share key indicators   
Earnings/share (basic)-0,65-1,41-2,58
Earnings/share (diluted)-0,65-1,41-2,58
P/E ration/a-3,97-0,36
Highest pricen/a12,0012,00
Lowest pricen/a4,200,55
Average pricen/a6,203,61
Closing price (*)0,935,600,93
Market capitalisation, at the end of the period, MEUR2,914,52,9
*Share trading was suspended on December 5, 2023 after the company submitted a debt restructuring application.
Calculation of Key Figures  
EBITDA, %:Operating profit + depreciation + impairment
 Net sales  
Equity ratio, %:Total equity x 100  
 Total assets - advances received 
Net gearing, %:Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents  
 and marketable securities x 100 
 Shareholders' equity + non-controlling interests
Earnings/share (EPS):Profit/loss for the period to the owner of the parent company
 Average number of shares adjusted for share issue 
 at the end of the financial year 
Equity/share:Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company
 Undiluted number of shares on the balance sheet date
P/E ratio:Price on the balance sheet date 
 Earnings per share  



Related party transactions   
The Group has sold and purchased goods and services from companies in which the majority holding and/or power of decision granting control of the company is held by members of the Group's related parties. Sales of goods and services carried out with related parties are based on market prices. 
The Group entered into the following transactions with related parties:  
1 000 EUR1-6/20241-6/20231-12/2023
Sales of goods and services   
Savcor Oy - production services1800
Purchases of goods and services   
SCI Invest Oy - rent02436
Basso J., business management services in Lithuania5061118
SCI-Finance Oy - marketing and administration services5236100
Savcor Technologies Oy - marketing and admin services5252107
Savcor Oy - financial management services3813
ISC Bioheat Oy - marketing services0010
Interest expenses and other financial expenses   
SCI-Finance Oy 6390127
Savcor Technologies Oy039
Savcor Oy214
Other current liabilities to related parties216120211
Current interest payable to related parties24922
Trade payables and other non-interest-bearing liabilities to related parties1 164436929
Trade and other current receivables from related parties563738
Savcor Technologies Oy and Savcor Face Ltd are companies under control of Iikka Savisalo, Valoe's CEO, Hannu Savisalo, Valoe's Chairman of the Board and Tuukka Savisalo, Valoe's Management Team Member.
Savcor Oy is a company under control of Iikka Savisalo, Valoe's CEO and  Hannu Savisalo, Valoe's Chairman of the Board.
SCI-Finance Oy is a company under control of Hannu Savisalo, Valoe's Chairman of the Board.
SCI Invest Oy is a company under control of Iikka Savisalo, Valoe's CEO and Tuukka Savisalo, Valoe's Managment Team Member.
1 000 EUR1-6/20241-6/20231-12/2023
Wages and remuneration   
Salaries of the management and Board238190447



Fair values  
 Carrying amountFair value
1 000 EUR30.6.202430.6.2024
Financial assets  
Available-for-sale investments99
Trade and other receivables590590
Cash and cash equivalents1212
Financial liabilities  
R&D loans, non-current5 4445 444
Non-current subordinated loans777777
Current subordinated loan3 9043 904
Loans from financial institutions, current5 0455 045
R&D loan, current1 5601 560
Other loans, current486486
Other liabilities, current597597
Trade payables and other non-interest-bearing liabilities3 4003 400
The fair value of non-current liabilities is expected to correspond to the carrying amount and recognized to their fair value when recorded. There has been no significant change in common interest rate after the withdrawal of the loans.
Other current liabilities include EUR 0.5 million of liabilities arising from the IFRS 16 standard.
The company filed an application for restructuring on 5 December 2023 and the District Court of Pohjois-Savo, Finland, decided on the commencement of the restructuring proceedings on 22 January 2024. Debts incurred before December 5, 2023 will be processed in accordance with the restructuring program.



Change in intangible and tangible assets 
1 000 EUR30.6.202430.6.202331.12.2023
Includes tangible assets, consolidated goodwill and other intangible assets   
Carrying amount, beginning of period12 94613 06213 062
  Depreciation and impairment-776-847-1 561
  Additions71 1551 453
Carrying amount, end of period12 17713 36212 946
The assets and liabilities of the contracts have been recognized in IFRS 16 leases and properties at the date of transition 1 Jan 2019.



Commitments and contingent liabilities 
1 000 EUR30.6.202430.6.202331.12.2023
Assets pledged for the company   
Loans from financial institutions2 5453 0262 545
Other liabilities1 05998901
 Promissory notes secured by pledge8 0602 0608 060
 Other securities provided2 0972 3942 097
Operating lease liabilities   
 Payable within one year 0150
 Payable over one year000