Wood Group (John) Plc - Director/PDMR Shareholding


No t i f i cat i o n a nd pub l ic di sc lo s u r e o f tra n sact ions by p erso ns di sc ha rg ing m a n ag e r i a l res p o nsibil i t i e s a nd p er s on s closel y assoc i ate d w i t h th e m


|1 |Detailsofthepersondischargingmanagerialresponsibilities/personclose|
|  |yassociated                                                        |
|a)|Name                          |KENNETH GILMARTIN                   |
|2 |Reasonforthenotification                                           |
|a)|Position/status               |CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER             |
|b)|Initial notification/Amendment|INITIAL NOTIFICATION                |
|3 |Detailsoftheissuer,emissionallowancemarketparticipant,auctionplatfo|
|  |m,auctioneerorauctionmonitor                                       |
|a)|Name                          |JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC                 |
|b)|LEI                           |549300PLYY6I10B6S323                |
|  |Detailsofthetransaction(s):sectiontoberepeatedfor                  |
|  |(i)eachtypeofinstrument;                                           |
|4 |                                                                   |
|  |(ii)eachtypeoftransaction;(iii)eachdate;and                        |
|  |(iv)eachplacewheretransactionshavebeenconducted                    |
|a)|Description of the financial  | ORDINARY SHARES OF 4 2/7 PENCE EACH|
|  |instrument, type of instrument|                                    |
|  |Identification code           |GB00B5N0P849                        |
|  |                              |SHARE PURCHASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A |
|b)|Nature of the transaction     |TRADING PLAN RELATING TO THE WOOD   |
|  |                              |EMPLOYEE SHARE PLAN                 |
|  |                              | ____________________               |
|  |                              ||Price(s)|Volume(s)  |              |
|c)|Price(s) and volume(s)        ||________|___________|              |
|  |                              ||£1.30913|5,114.08339|              |
|  |                              ||________|___________|              |
|d)|Aggregated information        |                                    |
|  |Aggregated volume             |5,114.08339                         |
|  |Aggregated price              |£1.30913                            |
|  |Aggregated total              |£6,694.999988350699                 |
|e)|Date of the transaction       |2024-09-19                          |
|f)|Place of the transaction      |LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE               |



No t i f i cat i o n a nd pub l ic di sc lo s u r e o f tra n sact ions by p erso ns di sc ha rg ing m a n ag e r i a l res p o nsibil i t i e s a nd p er s on s closel y assoc i ate d w i t h th e m


|1 |Detailsofthepersondischargingmanagerialresponsibilities/personclose|
|  |yassociated                                                        |
|a)|Name                          |STEPHEN NICOL                       |
|2 |Reasonforthenotification                                           |
|a)|Position/status               |EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT - OPERATIONS    |
|b)|Initial notification/Amendment|INITIAL NOTIFICATION                |
|3 |Detailsoftheissuer,emissionallowancemarketparticipant,auctionplatfo|
|  |m,auctioneerorauctionmonitor                                       |
|a)|Name                          |JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC                 |
|b)|LEI                           |549300PLYY6I10B6S323                |
|  |Detailsofthetransaction(s):sectiontoberepeatedfor                  |
|  |(i)eachtypeofinstrument;                                           |
|4 |                                                                   |
|  |(ii)eachtypeoftransaction;(iii)eachdate;and                        |
|  |(iv)eachplacewheretransactionshavebeenconducted                    |
|a)|Description of the financial  | ORDINARY SHARES OF 4 2/7 PENCE EACH|
|  |instrument, type of instrument|                                    |
|  |Identification code           |GB00B5N0P849                        |
|  |                              |SHARE PURCHASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A |
|b)|Nature of the transaction     |TRADING PLAN RELATING TO THE WOOD   |
|  |                              |EMPLOYEE SHARE PLAN                 |
|  |                              | __________________                 |
|  |                              ||Price(s)|Volume(s)|                |
|c)|Price(s) and volume(s)        ||________|_________|                |
|  |                              ||£1.30913|213.41654|                |
|  |                              ||________|_________|                |
|d)|Aggregated information        |                                    |
|  |Aggregated volume             |213.41654                           |
|  |Aggregated price              |£1.30913                            |
|  |Aggregated total              |£279.3899950102                     |
|e)|Date of the transaction       |2024-09-19                          |
|f)|Place of the transaction      |LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE               |



No t i f i cat i o n a nd pub l ic di sc lo s u r e o f tra n sact ions by p erso ns di sc ha rg ing m a n ag e r i a l res p o nsibil i t i e s a nd p er s on s closel y assoc i ate d w i t h th e m


|1 |Detailsofthepersondischargingmanagerialresponsibilities/personclose|
|  |yassociated                                                        |
|a)|Name                          |JENNIFER RICHMOND                   |
|2 |Reasonforthenotification                                           |
|a)|Position/status               |CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER              |
|b)|Initial notification/Amendment|INITIAL NOTIFICATION                |
|3 |Detailsoftheissuer,emissionallowancemarketparticipant,auctionplatfo|
|  |m,auctioneerorauctionmonitor                                       |
|a)|Name                          |JOHN WOOD GROUP PLC                 |
|b)|LEI                           |549300PLYY6I10B6S323                |
|  |Detailsofthetransaction(s):sectiontoberepeatedfor                  |
|  |(i)eachtypeofinstrument;                                           |
|4 |                                                                   |
|  |(ii)eachtypeoftransaction;(iii)eachdate;and                        |
|  |(iv)eachplacewheretransactionshavebeenconducted                    |
|a)|Description of the financial  | ORDINARY SHARES OF 4 2/7 PENCE EACH|
|  |instrument, type of instrument|                                    |
|  |Identification code           |GB00B5N0P849                        |
|  |                              |SHARE PURCHASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A |
|b)|Nature of the transaction     |TRADING PLAN RELATING TO THE WOOD   |
|  |                              |EMPLOYEE SHARE PLAN                 |
|  |                              | ____________________               |
|  |                              ||Price(s)|Volume(s)  |              |
|c)|Price(s) and volume(s)        ||________|___________|              |
|  |                              ||£1.30913|2,488.18681|              |
|  |                              ||________|___________|              |
|d)|Aggregated information        |                                    |
|  |Aggregated volume             |2,488.18681                         |
|  |Aggregated price              |£1.30913                            |
|  |Aggregated total              |£3,257.3599985753                   |
|e)|Date of the transaction       |2024-09-19                          |
|f)|Place of the transaction      |LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE               |