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About the company
Otsuka Holdings Co Ltd is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in medical, nutraceutical, consumer and other business activities in Japan and overseas. The Company operates in four business segments. The Medical Business segment produces and sells therapeutic drugs and infusions. The Nutraceutical segment produces and sells functional beverages, quasi-drugs and nutritional supplements. The Consumer Products segment produces and sells mineral water, beverages and food products. The Others segment manufactures paper containers, manufactures synthetic resin molded products, stores products, provides storage space, and produces and sells chemicals and liquid crystal evaluation equipment, spectroscopic analysis equipment, and other products.
- Revenue in JPY (TTM)2.33tn
- Net income in JPY343.12bn
- Incorporated2008
- Employees34.39k
- LocationOtsuka Holdings Co LtdShinagawa Grand Central Tower2-16-4, KonanMINATO-KU 108-8241JapanJPN
- Phone+81 367171410
- Fax+81 367171409
- Website