
Birchtech Corp


Birchtech Corp

Consumer DiscretionaryMedia
  • Price (CAD)0.62
  • Today's Change-0.03 / -4.62%
  • Shares traded10.20k
  • 1 Year change-59.21%
  • Beta--
Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Mar 10 2025 19:16 BST.
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About the company

Birchtech Corp., formerly Midwest Energy Emissions Corp., is an environmental technologies company developing and delivering patented solutions to the global power industry, specializing in mercury emissions removal technologies. It provides mercury capture solutions driven by its patented two-part Sorbent Enhancement Additive (SEA) process using a combination of science and engineering. Its SEA technology provides total mercury control with solutions that are based on scientific understanding of actual and probable interactions involved in mercury capture in coal-fired flue gas. It designs systems and materials tailored and formulated specifically to each customer’s coal-fired units. Its two-pronged solution consists of front-end additives put on the coal or directly into the boiler in minimal amounts combined with a back-end sorbent injection solution to ensure maximum mercury capture. Its processes also preserve fly ash which can be sold and recycled for beneficial use.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)16.22m
  • Net income in USD-245.58k
  • Incorporated2006
  • Employees9.00
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