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About the company

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company is a global biopharmaceutical company. It is engaged in the discovery, development and delivery of transformational medicines for patients facing serious diseases in areas: oncology, hematology, immunology, cardiovascular, neuroscience and other areas. Its platforms comprise chemically synthesized or small molecule drugs, including protein degraders; drugs produced from biological processes, called biologics; ADCs, CAR-T cell therapies, and radiopharmaceutical therapeutics. Small molecule drugs are typically administered orally in the form of a tablet or capsule, although other drug delivery mechanisms are also used. Biologics are typically administered through injections or by intravenous infusion. CAR-T cell therapies are administered by intravenous infusion. Its growth portfolio includes Opdivo, Opdivo Qvantig, Orencia, Yervoy, Reblozyl, Opdualag, and others. Its legacy portfolio includes Eliquis, Revlimid, Pomalyst/Imnovid, Sprycel and Abraxane.

  • Revenue in USD (TTM)48.30bn
  • Net income in USD-8.95bn
  • Incorporated1933
  • Employees34.10k
  • Location
    Bristol-Myers Squibb CoRoute 206 And Province Line RoadPRINCETON 08543United StatesUSA
  • Phone+1 (609) 252-4621
  • Fax+1 (302) 655-5049
  • Websitehttps://www.bms.com/in
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